Poetic Chaos is a duo who, like the name, embodies that through their sound - weaving through sweet and genuine acoustic melodies that capture the essence of untouched emotions through the somewhat poetic lyrics that waver through and deliver something very raw and delicate. Having recently released the video for single, ‘Pool Of Flowers’, which has come from their debut album ‘Beautiful Till It Hurts’. We were fortunate enough to do a little Q&A with them to talk about the newest video, creative process, and a little in-between. Check it out.

Tell us about Poetic Chaos, how you started this project, where the name came from, what vision you had with it from the start and how your journey has been together as musicians.

Creative expression has always been a huge part of both our lives. We each pursued our own solo careers in the past however, we found once living together and sharing a love for music and art - it allowed for us to share our stories/experiences.

The journey began with our first single release ‘Before January’, a song we wrote late last year that made us feel something we hadn’t felt before when writing a song. We knew there was something special about it and decided to take this project seriously. The name of our duo developed through our lyric writing style. ‘Before January’ unleashed this wave of creativity for us - we started writing more meaningful songs with alot of imagery and metaphors that touched on topics of anxiety and feeling/pressures of trying to understand your 20’s. We felt our lyrics were becoming more poetic as our lives still remained chaotic and uncertain. Poetic Chaos was there all along - we just hadn’t seen it yet.

The excitement of releasing our first song ‘Before January’ consumed us. We got an amazing response for our music community in North Queensland and started to realise the impact this song had on other creatives. Dreaming big felt easy after that! The desire to write more songs, release an album and go on tour became a vision we could see more closely.

It doesn't mean this dream has been easy...not in the slightest but, we have been working extremely hard to keep this dream and vision alive. We have even ticked off most of these goals; we’ve released our debut album, we are now touring it down the east coast and we even pitched our music to STELLA DONNELY’S management and got the opportunity to support her in March of this year. Mind you; she has been one of our biggest inspirations since the beginning. A dream come true!

You released your album and with that came the track ‘Pool Of Flowers’, which you recently dropped the video for - how did you come up with the vision for the video and how does it tie in with the whole meaning of the song, and help convey the emotions?

We’ve been inspired by artists that capture their music videos in one continuous take and have always had the desire to use this technique for one of our songs. We really wanted to capture something raw, something to show the imperfections that are present in a one-take video. The thought that life isn’t perfect and neither is art comes to mind with this style of video. It is often easy to get swept up by the glamour and the flawless performances that we see in most music videos. For our song ‘POOL OF FLOWERS’ we wanted to show the struggle both visually and emotionally. This song is raw, heartfelt, it makes us question ourselves - connect with our inner thoughts and our deepest darkest emotions to hopefully help us to understand them better.

When you released the track, how did it make you feel, were you nervous or excited? Overall how has the reaction been and does it affect you as an artist?

Releasing ‘POOL OF FLOWERS’ was so exciting, we feel this song has its own unique sound and is a good representation of our music. Unfortunately, with this digital era, we seek numbers for validation which has resulted in dissatisfaction when we weren’t getting the numbers we had expected. That being said, we have realised that at the end of the day, we are doing everything in our powers to make our dreams come true. We love this new music with everything that we have and connect to it so deeply. If we can make connections with some people out there, or we help one person struggling with anxiety then we have reached our goal. Ultimately, this is the reason we are creating - to make connections.

Currently touring on the East Coast of Aus for your album Beautiful Till It Hurts, how has that been? What has been your favourite part of the tour so far?

Our go-to response when being asked this question is: it’s challenging. However, that is only a surface level answer. Tour life has honestly been quite difficult. Transitioning into fully independent musicians (music being our only income) has been exhausting - there alot of learning curves and things we hadn’t considered whilst being on the road in remote areas. Getting the word out, trying to get strangers to come to your shows to watch original music. We did a three hour gig with only 5 people in the venue. It can often be quite soul-crushing. Learning a lot about each other and ourselve has been a big one. Despite all of that, we have enjoyed the little moments in between. One of our favourite things is meeting new people and having them approach us after shows to tell us how much our songs have resonated with them. It touches our hearts to hear beautiful responses to our music. And of course nature and the beautiful landscapes along the east coast have kept us grounded and present throughout this journey.

What's your creative process like when it comes to writing - do you have the same sort of structure that you pretty much do for all writing or is it more spare of the moment thing, what comes naturally and feels right etc.?

It’s different every time. We don’t have a rule book on how we write- creativity comes in waves. When we feel something that is really important that we need to get off our chest, We write a song about it to express those feelings.

Can you tell us an interesting fact/ funny story about each other?

We are really funny people. Full of anxiety, very goofy and big-hearted. Follow our instagram @poetichaosmusic to find the chaos and laughter. We love to produce our own music and fully immerse ourselves in the creative process.

And lastly, we love to always ask - what is next for you two? Whether it be the last half of the year or even 2024.
We have potential plans of traveling to Europe to perform a few shows at the end of this Year. We would also love to grow our audience within the MEANJIN music scene and connect with all the awesome artists around this area.


