The cutest duo who ever lived, FVNERAL have recently shared with the world new track ‘HAPPY ANNIVERSARY’ which sheds light in dark places.
We had the pleasure of doing a Q&A with them both which you can continue to read below. <3

Tell us about how you got into music, how you met, and what the start of your music journey was like.

Tim: Ally and I have been writing songs together since high school, when Ally was building a little following around her music and getting shoutouts from the literal Liam Payne of the literal One Direction. I’ve honestly been such a fan of Ally and her music for so long that it feels like such a blessing to be able to make songs with her. I think that writing together is how we became friends and, to this day, how we know what’s going on in each other’s lives. 

Ally: Oh my god, stoopppp. Haha, I guess it’s a mutual admiration society then. Tim was a year above me at school so I was always watching along at all the music events, wishing I could play guitar like them. I actually don’t really remember when we became friends but at some point we were both in the worship band for school chapel (lol) and ended up making our own music together some time after that. It honestly just feels like this big blurry decade or so of experiences that have brought us to this point, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

What is your favourite thing about music?

Ally: It’s kinda simple honestly. Whether you’re listening to it, making it, working out to it, or anything else, music helps us understand who we are and who we can be. It’s cathartic and makes you feel so connected with whoever you’re standing next to at a gig, and leaves you feeling healed when you’ve been able to perform a song about some heavy stuff to a crowd full of people listening deeply.

Tell us a little bit about your latest single ‘Happy Anniversary’

Tim: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY is ultimately about celebrating the failure of a suicide attempt, and recognising that I’m part of the more than 40% of trans and non-binary people who report having tried to take their own life. Even though it’s tongue-in-cheek, the title speaks to how genuinely grateful I am for the failure. It’s about embracing the idea that things will get better, even when you can’t see it just yet. It’s exhausting, in a truly relentless way, to be constantly living in such a dark place, but so deeply liberating to wholeheartedly embrace the desire to live in the light, or at least keep searching for it.

What was the creative process like?

Tim: I had tried to write this song many different times before it finally clicked. I had the first line for a long time before I was able to start finding the other pieces of the puzzle. It really took until I was able to be vulnerable enough to let Ally in on the process that it started to take shape. Apart from the drums and piano, I think every other part of this song was recorded in our bedrooms and in random living rooms of places we were staying while over in LA.

What do you hope that people take away from the new track?

Ally: I hope people really get to internalise the tag/hook, “I want to get better and I’m getting there”. Whatever headspace you’re in when you hear this, I hope you know that it really can get better and that it won’t always feel as dark as it might now.

What are some local bands in the scene that you are currently loving?

Finding Better Health


Huck Hastings



What does FVNERAL have planned for the rest of the year?

Ally: We’re jumping on KiNG MALA’s first ever Australian - maybe her first ever international??? - show in a few weeks at The Lansdowne, and have some support dates to announce that’ll be happening closer towards the end of the year. Also, make sure you keep your sweet little eyes peeled for an announcement in mid-October for a very special event we’ve been putting some big hours and energy into putting together… Legally unable to say too much at the moment, but just keep November 11 free :)


