21 years ago alt-pop band Kisschasy was born and in that time they released 3 studio albums (2 of which are certified gold), obtained multiple ARIA award nominations, and gained many beloved fans over the country with their popular, much loved sound.
Recently the band have announced that they are getting together for a special one-off national tour in May which will mark their first national tour in 8 years with vocalist Darren Cordeuz coming back for a visit after relocating to LA in 2015.
Kisschasy have announced a plethora of dates throughout May so make sure you snatch up some tickets before you’re too late - click here for more info and read below our wonderful little Q&A with bassist Joel Vanderuit!

What is one thing you are looking forward to when it comes to touring Aus in May?
Getting another opportunity to see the fans that grew up with us when none of us thought we would is pretty exciting. Getting to see a lot of the country again, and spending time with the three guys I basically spent the whole of my 20’s with is also going to be incredible. We don’t get to catch up much these days, so it will be all fun again!

What was the reason behind reuniting for this special national tour?
Initially this was planned for 2020, which would have been the 15 year anniversary of our first LP ‘United Paper People’ coming out. Obviously the world had other plans, and whilst we rescheduled 2 or 3 times, we decided we best wait until we were sure the coast was clear. During that time we were approached by Good Things, so we decided to do the United Paper People set for Good Things, which allowed us to perform whatever songs we like on this run. 

Since forming back in 2002, what is something that you are most proud of as a band?
Honestly, everything we achieved was above my personal expectations. But I think retaining the same line-up for our whole career was pretty special, and I think, somewhat rare. 

Favorite thing about playing a show?
Feeding off the energy of my band mates, and off the crowd never gets old. You might be playing a song that you’ve played literally thousands of times, and the energy coming back at you from the audience is electrifying.

Least favourite thing about touring?
We didn’t do too much of it in our later years, but the interstate drives in Australia are pretty killer. There were a few occasions where we finished a show in Brisbane, and had to straight line it to Melbourne after the show. 20 or so hours of driving, crammed like sardines into a van. Reality can start to slip during some of those drives. 

Out of all the tracks you guys have written, which one holds the most meaning to you and why?
For me personally, Factory is one that still hits home. Whilst Darren wrote the lyrics, he did so in such an empathetic and poetic manner that strikes the exact right chord. Animal Rights are still something that are very important to me, and I remain committed to.

Can you give us one interesting/fun fact about the band? 
Darren had written and demo’d a fourth album. We decided to stop playing music together before we proceeded any further with it. I have all the songs on my computer and will occasionally listen through. There’s some great songs on there, just a shame no one else will get to hear them!

Thanks so much!


