Brisbane’s alt-metal outfit Headwreck are getting ready to release their Sophomore EP, “Reflection Room” next Friday 7th April by recently dropping another little taste of what’s to come in the form of single “Shiver”. 
Electric Dreams Media got to have a little Q&A with guitarist Jamo & Drummer Colby ahead of the release next week - you can check that out below.

What made you fall in love with music, and how did that inspire you to create your own?

JAMO:  I’m not sure what exactly hooked me in but I know I’ve always had a love for music and writing music from a very young age. When I was first learning guitar I thought it would be “copying” to play other peoples songs, so while I was learning I would try to make my own songs. In the last 10 years of songwriting I’ve felt creating music has given me a great sense of purpose, it allows me to express myself so I think maybe that’s the overall reason that I love it so much.


“Shiver” is your brand new track off your upcoming EP, what is the inspiration behind the track and what was the creative process like?

JAMO: The inspiration musically, I would say was mainly building on the guitar and synth sounds discovered in our song “Freefall” from our debut EP. The process for me started by playing around with synths in Logic. I really liked the sound of the one used in the intro and throughout the song, and just built all the “heavy” music parts around it.


Can you tell us what we can expect from the new EP “Reflection Room”?

JAMO: To keep it short, ‘Reflection Room’ amplifies our glitchy sound and really shifts focus onto synths to create a more mature sound compared to our last EP. Vocally, Connor also has really stepped up, so you can expect some new sounds from him!


Favorite lyrics from “Shiver”?

COLBY: My favourite lyric from ‘Shiver’ would personally have to be, “Is the warmth of another, enough to satisfy?” At the time when I wrote it, it personally didn't mean much to me but as time goes on, I do find myself reflecting on it and attaching meaning to it within life.


 If you could choose one venue in Australia to perform at, which one would it be and why?

JAMO: For me I’d say The Tivoli, we’ve performed there once and it was really amazing, I just love the layout and how it looks inside. If we’re dreaming big, obviously Riverstage would be incredible. Super nice right next to the river with all the trees and stuff

COLBY: Even though I have personally never been there I would say ‘The Forum’ in Melbourne. There's just something about that venue that looks really special to me.


What’s an interesting/fun fact about the band?

JAMO:  All our music is fully DIY. Guitars are recorded in my bedroom, Vocals are recorded in my mum's garage. I mix and master everything in my undies in the lounge room.


Where do you hope to see the band in 5 years time?

JAMO: For me I’d love to be getting regular tours around Aus, and to play some festivals. Possibly even an overseas tour. Who knows what could happen! As long as the band is growing, doing cool and fun stuff, and of course people continuing to enjoy our music.

COLBY: In five years time I would love to have played some festivals. I think festivals are just one of those things on my bucket list that I'd really love to tick off. For the band though, I hope that we’ve cemented ourselves within the metalcore scene within Australia and that people just enjoy our music!


