Moonwood are a five-piece band from Sydney who create a sweet blend of alt-rock and indie together in their songs to create the perfect mixture of sweet and rich sounds that perfectly capture the bands essence. The band have recently released a brand new track “Lady In Red”, and we got to do a mini interview with them which you can check down below. Remember to stream the shit out of “Lady In Red” because it’s a track you for sure will regret missing out on.

Firstly, tell us how you first got into music and who/what inspired you to pursue it?

After spending years playing in different bands, Justin (drummer) recognised the potential in the dynamic we had in playing together and motivated us to pursue this music seriously. With the help of our friend and producer, Grant Konemann, we shaped and refined our craft which ultimately led to the sound of MOONWOOD.

Where did you all meet and how did you decide on the name MOONWOOD for the band?

Apart from the two brothers in the band, we all met through our mutual musical studies at the same college. The name MOONWOOD came from a street where Jake’s (frontman) grandparents lived in the U.S. It held a lot of significant meaning and memories for Jake and it really showed when we first started writing music together. The name sat well with all of us and felt like the natural and organic solution.

What was the creative process like when writing your new track “Lady In Red”?

We embarked on a ten-day writing retreat with our producer, Grant Konemann. On the first day, we started jamming to "Lady in Red" and everything fell into place after we locked in on the drum groove that sets the tone at the beginning of the song.

If you could collab with any artist in the world, who would it be and why?

Although we may have varying opinions, there are a few bands that bring us together. Kings of Leon would be a dream collaboration for us. We love their sound!

Tell us about the story behind “Lady In Red”

"Lady in Red" is a song from our frontman, Jake. It narrates the story of how he had to make a difficult decision of cancelling his flight to Los Angeles in pursuit of love for a girl he met in Sydney. He decided to take a risk and stay in Sydney even if it meant sacrificing other opportunities. The song encapsulates the feelings of excitement, anticipation, and uncertainty that come with chasing after something that you really want. Ultimately, it's a story about taking chances and seizing the moment, and how sometimes the most rewarding experiences come from stepping outside your comfort zone.

Your favourite lyrics from the new track?
“Carved your name on my chest ‘cos there’s no second guessing, I know what I want.”
Jake literally has his partner's name tattooed on his chest. She is THE Lady In Red.

What’s next for MOONWOOD?
We have another single coming out soon and our second EP later this year.
We’re playing a lot of Sydney shows at the moment but are hoping to branch out of NSW very soon to hit the east coast!  We're really excited about the growth we’ve experienced in our sound and we’re ready to share it with everyone!


