TIGER are a collective rock and roll band from northern Sydney who are getting ready to drop their debut self-titled EP this Thursday. Since 2021, the talented quintet have gained attention and love from many in the local scene with their nifty rock tracks, and their high energy live performances - mix this in with incredible talent, and terrific aesthetic, and you have got one hell of a rock and roll band that are certain to be going places in the years to come. 

Ahead of their release, we got to do a cute little Q&A with singer-songwriter Silva’s which you can view below. Make sure you get ready to hear what the band has in store for you this Thursday when their EP explodes onto the scene.

 TIGER will also be playing a few shows to promote their new music, click the button down below for tickets.

How did you all meet?

Funnily enough we all went to the same school but all in different year groups. Tommy and Raf were in the same year, Pennie was in the year below them, and I was in the same year as Aaron, so in a way, we’re kind of a school band. It wasn’t like we formed a band because we were mates either. Apart from Tommy and Raf, None of us were really that close or even aware of each other so it’s funny to see the dynamic of the band work so well.

Describe each member in a few words.

Hahahaha. Well, we’ve all got unique qualities that's for sure.

Raf: straight up crazy! He really helps accentuate the band’s energy. TIGER is driven by pure optimism and hunger, and Raf embodies that the most.

Tommy: The backbone of the rhythm section. I think we can all say he's the most musically gifted. When we’re learning songs, even if they’re not his, he’s somehow the best at teaching the band!

Pennie: Hahaha Pennie is almost too nice! She never has anything bad to say, alongside holding down the rhythm section with some killer bass licks. 

Aaron: He’s the most sensible in the group. He adds an extra bit of suave to help compliment the craziness of the others.
I can’t really describe myself but I hope to bring order and on-stage craziness to the table!

What do you guys enjoy doing in your free time outside of music?

We’re all avid music lovers so I think the main hobby that binds us all is listening to music. 

Outside of the band we’re all very busy individuals caught up in work, sport and study respectively. All in all, I don’t think any of us have much free time!

What was the reason for starting the band and where did the inspiration come from with the bands overall aesthetic, and sound?

Growing up I've always been a massive fan of your big names like Elvis, Michael Jackon, the Beatles, Stones and so on. To be honest I don’t think it was necessarily the music but more the noise of the audiences screaming in the crowd that captured my attention!

Once I realised I could write songs, the first step was to start TIGER and it’s been an upwards ride ever since.

Musically, Tommy and I have always loved the essence of early rock n roll. We’ve also grown up on EDM and club-friendly music so we’re taking on both fields!  When you include Raf, Pennie and Aaron in the picture, you get even more musical influences, stemming from Heavy Metal, Grunge and Yacht Rock respectivelly.

The image of the band is just as important. Our main goal is to stand out and ensure we entertain people visually and I hope to say we’re doing just that. You’ll never ever see us on stage with casual clothing, that’s for sure.

You guys have your debut self-titled EP coming out Thursday this week!Tell us a little bit about it (what was the creative process like, inspo behind the tracks, what it means to you etc)

I still have videos on my phone of when I first put down the “Innocent Look’ riff, and that was almost two years ago now! We released the single at the end of last year, followed by “Style at Night” and “Incredible”. I wanted them all juiced up a little bit so those three tracks have all been tweaked and remastered. The EP is then topped off with two new numbers that were recently co-written with Tommy and Raf. 

All the recording and mixing is done at home in my garage then it’s sent off for mastering. 

I think we all realised that having an EP out makes it easier to show people what we’re about instead of just releasing singles every month. The EP is people’s first proper taste of TIGER and we aim to send it out to everywhere we can. Exposure is the main goal now. We just want to be seen and we’ve got our headlining shows to help with that.

What’s your favourite track on the EP and why?

I hope to say we’ve got 5 very strong songs so it’s tricky to choose, however I think one of the main favorites is “Run Away”. I do think we always go back to “Innocent Look” simply because it’s our first ever release and the fan’s favorite. Personally, my pick changes everyday! For the interview, hmmmmmm, let's just pick “Say Something”.

How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it?

That’s the hardest question of all! It’s taken years to figure out a proper answer to be honest. We’ve ended up coining our sound as “Neon Rock”. It’s a massive hybrid between traditional hard rock and dance oriented genres like disco, deep house and new wave. You get the grittiness in the guitar riffs, the danceability from the rhythm section, topped with a late night futuristic aesthetic! 

Where do you hope to see the band in 5 years time? 

I think we all envision TIGER being the biggest band in the world. Anything less than that doesn’t interest me at all. We all know it’s possible so it’s just a matter of putting in the work and being efficient in putting out great music and unreal live shows. We have the building blocks to major success so now it’s just getting the people on our side and showing them what our Neon Rock sound is all about!


