Brisbane artist MAISIE has shared emotive single ‘Low Iron’, using her talents to craft vulnerable lyrics that really speak to the soul, and connect in a relatable way with her audience.
Electric Dreams Media got to ask MAISIE some questions which you can read below.

Photo: Gabi Rankine

Can you tell us what first inspired you to get into music and what was that final push that made you want to start taking it seriously?

Music has always been a major part of my life, but I never thought I was good enough. I learnt a variety of different instruments throughout school, but never would sing in front of anyone because I was too scared. I only really started sharing my voice in 2020 and I’ve never looked back. I think surrounding myself with a strong support system was the main reason I started taking it seriously. The only thing that was holding me back was my own insecurities. So once I shared my music with my friends and family, they really pushed me to keep going.

Other than music, do you have any other hobbies that you like to do in your spare time?
I actually love cooking! I like to think of myself as the head chef in my house. 

When you were younger, what was your ultimate go to song - the one you would have on repeat all the time?
This question is actually really easy, My Delirium by Ladyhawke was my anthem as a kid. Still is!

Talk to us a little about your latest release ‘low iron’ - what was the creative process like, did the lyrics come to you first?
I wrote the first few lines to begin with and I knew I wanted to tell a story throughout the song. After playing around with my guitar for a bit, the rest of the song kind of came together. It still wasn’t ready to release for a while as I really just wanted to keep it to myself. Once I was offered a live show and I showed “Low Iron” to my band, they instantly turned it into what it is now. I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out!

You’ve said before that you weren’t initially going to release this track but after showing it to family and friends they told you that you should - Were you hesitant or scared to share it with the world and are you glad you did it?
For me, songwriting is the way I can communicate my emotions so it always feels so vulnerable when I’m showing someone, whether it’s a complete stranger or just my dad. Low Iron was especially vulnerable because I really decided to open up about my struggles with mental health and I wasn’t sure how it would be received.

Speaking of the track being released, are you happy with the response it has gotten so far?
I couldn't be happier! For such a special song, I think I was the most nervous to release it compared to my other songs. So many people were involved in the production and helped me get it to where it is now, so I was really hoping they would love it…and they do!

Currently, what artists are inspiring you at the moment?
This is always a hard question because I can never give a small list! I’ve been a fan of BENEE and Mallrat for the longest time and to see them both work on the official song for the FIFA Women’s World Cup was so motivating.

What will you be focusing on for the remainder of the year?
Definitely focusing on live shows for the rest of year. It wasn’t in my original plan to be performing so much this year but my life has gone in a whole new direction and I’m so excited to see where we end up!

Listen to ‘Low Iron’ here.


