Jacob Fitzgerald & Band Interview Each Other After Sharing New EP “Jacob Fitzgerald & The Electric City”

“Jacob Fitzgerald & The Electric City” is the perfect name for an EP, fully sparking our interest over at Electric Dreams Media - But then we listened to it and were totally blown away. If you have never heard of Jacob Fitzgerald, he is an indie-rock musician from Melbourne who has way more than a wisp of talent when it comes to creating an extensive amount of quality tracks, and today you’re in luck because Jacob and his band have done a fun little interview with each other which you can read below to find out more about them.
Don’t forget to click the button below, and stream the new EP - OUT NOW.


Jacob, you always come up with great nicknames, who do you think has the best one in the band?
Rick. Without a fricken doubt! His birth name Alex is non-existent in my mind. I often come close to gagging when I hear someone mention Alex Walker. I mean bro, you look like a Rick. So, because of that, Alex is dead… Rick Hollywood is all that remains. 

Reuben, who has the best style in the band? 

I’d say you, Charlee. You stand out regardless because you’re with us four muffins on stage but also, you always wear such vibey clothes. Hard to not give you the chocolates on this one! 

Alex, if you could watch one TV show again for the first time, what would it be?
Purely for experiencing the pathetic nature and comedic quality of the two lead characters, Peep Show. That show has been there for me whenever I need cheering up and would love to laugh at Super Hans for the first time again. Such gold. 

Dakota, who’s your dream artist to support?

Man… John Mayer! He’s kinda my idol. I’d love us to support him so I could get to know him and become friends. I feel like he’d like me and my style of playing. I wish I was more like him.


Charlee, what would be your favourite song from this EP? 

Peter Pan is my top choice! It was the most fun to record and has a really intimate feel to it. Feels a lot like a duet between Jacob and me which places it as a special one for the project. 

Reuben, what is your favourite type of meal?
I don’t even know if I have one dude! I will just chow down on anything with spice. The hotter the better. Burn my mouth type thing. A lot of people don’t love that kinda mentality but I’m all for it. Am I weird?

Jacob, what’s the best show you think we’ve played? 

That’s a hard one… Any show with you guys is kick ass! But do you remember the pop-up Tomcat gig we played a few months back? That was mental. I remember I left some stuff in the car so had to sprint like two kilometres to grab it and got back just in time for our set. It was stupidly sweaty, and we got them up. I just felt like we were on another level that night. Plus, I love Brisbane.

Alex, you claim to know everyone’s coffee order because of touring. Tell us what they are right now...
Ahhh okay. Jacob is a large latte no sugar, yours is an extra song latte no sugar, Wheels (Reuben) is a mocha and Charlee likes an oat latte I think? (Band cheers over correct info) 


Lance (Dakota), who’s your favourite up-and-coming artist right now?
I’m loving Bailey Judd ay brus... He’s a fella from Melbourne and is a really fun, charismatic guy. He can shred on the guitar too. We met a while back and he just was super lovely. Keen on his new music. Big as man.

Rick (Alex), what’s the secret to your bass tone? 

I’ll spill the formula when people stop calling me Rick. 

Chaz (Charlee), we’ve been playing together for a long time. Any favourite memories?
Well, our first gig was in Hawaii… I dunno, that was pretty awesome! I know it was only a cover gig, but we were so little! I had a lot of fun and it’s just nice to remember where we started! 

Wheels (Reuben), who’s the worst to tour with?
You’re all awesome to travel and tour with, honestly! But purely for the sake of giving an answer… Dakota. He snores! When you’re sleeping on floors or in the back of the van or whatever, he’s always so loud bro. The worst part is he claims he doesn’t and I’m like… my lack of sleep begs to differ. But nah we joke. I love touring with everyone and we’re such a close unit now hey! 


Reuben, you have told me in confidence that you admire Jacob more than anyone else and often wish you were more like him. Whilst I have just publicly outed you, care to explain?
Dog. I don’t wanna fill his ego. Nah, I think it’s just his attitude towards life. He’s so positive and I’m normally the Debbie Downer in our dynamic. He just inspires me to be better and keep kicking goals. Love you man!  

Charlee, if you had to swap an instrument with someone in the band, who would it be? 

Jacob. Only because he knows like three chords on the guitar and ditches it for the rest of the show. I’d be able to learn them right? How hard could it be? 

Jacob, what made you want to become more of a band following the “solo” type of stuff you used to do?
Well, I always felt like I was missing something. And you guys are a big part of this. People notice it when we play live… you guys are the show, the music and the identity of our sound. And I don’t know… I just love yas. 


Rick, what would be the act you’ve seen most live?
I think you know… but I’d say Parcels? I swear to God I’ve seen them a bunch and in that timeframe I’ve only ever heard one kick drum be off. They are tight. Just so good. 

Jacob, can you please explain crop top fever?
Ah yes… so of late I’m wearing a lot of crops. Just my current vibe. Anytime someone compliments them post-show, I like to say I’ve given them a little bit of crop top fever. It’s contagious… trust me man! Get on the train x 

Charlee, out of all the gigs we’ve done, what percentage of them would you say you’ve carried your own equipment in for?
DUDE! Ahhh… 10%. Max HAHAHA! Thanks guys. 

Dakota, why do you play music? What’s the driving force behind why you do this? 
Fame. Nah I dunno brus, I just love making music with you all hey. Dom Toretto you know? Family. 


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