After playing Good Things Festival over the weekend, Bowling For Soup are ready to commence their headlining side shows kicking it all off in Sydney at none other than the classic gritiness of the Metro Theatre. It was a hot night and I’m sure anyone who went to Good Things in Sydney are happy to not see a drop of rain as people start to lineup around the venue waiting for doors to open and getting ready to go inside and be taken back to the 2000’s when life seemed simpler.. because you were younger. A swarm of jorts and converse started to pile into the room, the air buzzing with elation as we all got ready for a night to remember.
Taylor Acorn - a young gun hailing from Pennsylvania opened up the night with a delicious blend of pop punk and emo tunes that easily left everyone in the room completely in awe. The artist and her band flew out on stage with a masssive burst of energy instantly bringing the crowd to life. Playing her high octane, explosive tracks as well as a few that were more mellow but still just as catchy, not shying away from owning the stage and taking complete control of the room with it. Electricity felt like it was blooming off the walls of the Metro as the artist and her guitarist bounced around to the upbeat, hard hitting drums while her strong, colourful vocals dripped out of the speakers and out into the crowd which was met with dancing and pure happiness from the people in the front row. A solid thirty minute set warmed everyone up and got them ready for the rest of the night.

“Bowling for soup, Bowling for soup, Bowling for soup” started to play over the speakers while cheers and scremas rang out from the crowd as the stage lights dimmed to near nothing.. then one by one the members of band emerged with beer in hands and huge smiles on their faces sending fans into hysterical screaming. The guys waste no time and jump right into a track hot off the setlist. We were just minutes in and already you could feel the exhiliration from the fans that filled up the entire venue - screaming out the lyrics sometimes even louder than the band and throwing their hands up not giving a damn, totally enthralled in the moment.
Something that makes this band so great is the banter that they are so full of, sharing jokes with each other and the room and even having a little fun moment with the photogrpaahers as vocalist Janet Reddick reckons that “if he never ends the current song then we can technically stay there forever” as he kept strumming his guitar.
Their setlist was filled to the brim with fan favourite tracks - there was something on it for everyone, literally - giving us 18 tracks of pure 2000’s punk rock goodness.
It has been over a decade since Bowling For Soup graced us with their presence in Australia and they sure as hell didn’t leave room for disappointment, putting on an entertaining show that fans will remember for a lifetime. Just next time, don’t wait so long boys!