Singer-Songwriter Katie Thorne is shoving herself into the spotlight as she shares new single ‘easy’, which is out everywhere today. Since her debut single ‘In My Room’ and debut EP ‘Wine Drunk’, she only grows more and more with her extremely talented songwriting abilities. Electric Dreams Media got to do a little Q&A with the artist in celebration of the new single. Keep scrolling to read. 

We wanna start off by saying the new track is absolutely amazing! We love it and cannot wait for it to be released into the world this week.
Thank-you so much! I love this song and I had so much fun bringing it to life on screen with the music video - it’s definitely pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone but in the best way :)

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, do you have any hobbies outside of music, etc.

Anything crafty is my kryptonite, I get hooked so easily. My sister and I have recently got super into bracelet making (proud members of the Taylor Swift cult), I love to paint and I even have a silly little drawing instagram just for fun (@kthorne.scribbles).

You might have missed the ‘Hot Cowboy Nights’ detail in the cover art for ‘easy’ but I will also happily waste away hours on a good old-fashioned spicy romance novel. My music and lyrics have a bit of a cynical twist at times (see - ‘I Hate Your Girlfriend’) but I’m a sucker for hyperboles, and a cliched happy ending.

How did you get started with music and what inspired you to start creating your own?

Music has always been a part of my life, whether it was my honorary cowbell role in the high-school concert band or afternoon piano lessons, but songwriting kind of crept up on me. Most of the time I feel like a fish out of water but words come far more easily to me when I dress them up in music.

Tell us a little about the track ‘easy’, what was going through your mind at the time, and how did the journey go when creating it?

I wrote ‘easy’ as a kind of open letter to twenty-somethings, or anyone trying their best to figure out who the hell they are – a mantra that insists you make room for the adventurous, sexy, goofy, romantic parts of yourself. My producer Peter Holz and I had a lot of fun arranging the track in the studio - I wanted the groove to be so infectious that you can’t help but move to it. After our first day in the studio with this song I spent over an hour dancing around my living room that night to the very first mix and this actually ended up inspiring the whole premise of the music video.

Could you tell us how you’re breaking barriers with the new track?
I don’t think it’s necessarily anything groundbreaking on a larger scale, but this song is kind of representative of a barrier I’ve been working on breaking down in myself.

I think a lot of people, and women even more so, can relate to that pressure-cooker feeling as you get closer to turning 30, of needing to have your sh*t together. I’m actively working against this kind of repressive subliminal messaging that many of us internalise; that you need to have a really great salary and a retirement plan, you should have met someone serious by now and be talking about kids, that you shouldn’t still be going out on weeknights.

 When I wrote ‘easy’ I was feeling like I wanted to just throw all the expectations that the world (and myself) have of me out the window. To stop obsessing over why things are not how I perfectly imagined my adult life when I was 7 years old, and to start enjoying it for what it actually is and for who I am - a “twenty-something single in the city” who sure, can barely pay rent, but loves what she does and has the freedom to go after what she really wants. I would love if my music inspired someone else to take a leap of faith in their own life.

What has been the best part of your musical journey so far, and what motivates you to keep going?

Playing a sold out show at my first ever headline gig last year for the release of my debut EP ‘Wine Drunk’ was pretty special. Writing songs has always been very therapeutic for me but it’s the connections that I make with people in live performances that’s even more addictive. Nothing can beat the feeling of connecting with total strangers when you are playing your own music, singing a deeply personal lyric only to have someone comment afterwards that you read their mind.

What are your plans for the next 6 months, do you have any shows coming up or anything you want Electric Dreams Media readers to know

I have more music coming very soon that is all connected to this release and I can’t wait to share, it’s some of my favourite work to date. I do have a number of cool shows coming up, (some I can’t quite announce just yet) but I am very excited to be playing with Aimès at Oxford Art Factory this month (Aug 31) - tickets are on sale now!


