Get ready to rock out with KICKED-IN BICKIE TIN, the talented band hail from Moree in Regional NSW and have recently released their highly anticipated new single, "High Again," earlier this month.  "High Again" is a true masterpiece produced and mixed by the talented Matt Cochran of Talk Heavy, and it has been mastered by Grammy-nominated Will Yip. The band share, ‘‘High Again’ is written from the perspective of someone that has gotten themselves together but is concerned about a mate that has been left behind and stuck in the loop of repeating bad lifestyle choices.”
This infectious weekend anthem has taken KICKED-IN BICKIE TIN to new heights and leaves us wanting more. The band is currently on tour and we got to ask them a few questions before they hit the road last week.

Tell us about yourselves: How did you get into music and how did you all meet?

Shaun and Zach are first cousins and have always been inseparable, it’s a cousinly bond that metaphorically joins them at the hip. John’s been a good friend for a number of years who joined the band a bit later down the track.  He’s become the final piece of the puzzle driving this outfit to where we are now. Music is the catalyst as to why we’ve all grown so close. 

‘High Again’ is your newest track and it is an amazing addition to your catalogue - Can you talk to us about the meaning of the track and where you drew the inspiration from?

High Again was a great way for me (Shaun) to express the rather common effect that living in a small rural town can have on somebody who isn’t in a good headspace. I very dangerously experienced myself heading down a bad path with a good mate of mine, a path I’m sure many others have come close to. Thankfully I was able to start the band at a young age and actually create dreams for myself. It was a great reason to get myself out of bed in the morning.

What was the creative process like when it came to writing lyrics and producing the sound?

Our creative process always begins with an instrumental jam and our sound for each song comes from that. We begin with a guitar riff followed by a tidy rhythm section which works together to form the structure. Shaun sings basic lyrics which are more improvised than planned, later elaborating on those lyrics to form something more comprehensive, expressing an emotion we all resonate with. 

How are you feeling about your first-ever tour? It’s always exciting when a band from a small town can start branching out and playing around other places.

Nerves are always inevitable, but our excitement always outweighs them. We try to remember to never let the pressure of playing live exceed the pleasure. However, touring isn’t just about playing music for us, it’s about representing rural Australia and the town which we come from while letting punters in the city know that country kids can do it too. 

A lot of people find it so hard to choose the name of their band and yours is so fun - where did you get the idea for it?

Finding a band name is always a challenge. It’s essentially finding a name that represents yourselves and your music in a fun and creative way. A lot of people hear the name “KICKED-IN BICKIE TIN” and think it’s a bit of a joke, which is kind of how it all started, as nothing too serious and always a good time. A previous member, Virgil Smith (Zach’s boss) came up with the idea of referencing an old Aussie bush expression used to refer to someone’s unappealing appearance as “a head like a kicked-in bickie tin". Eventually, the name stuck and now we’re eligible for the award of “most confusing band name”.

Can you give us some fun/interesting facts about the band?

  • The band has had 8 official members in the past plus many others who have just come for a jam. It started with a strict open-door policy jamming at Zach and Shaun’s Nan’s shed which appears in the single artwork of our debut single ‘Floor’. 

  • Our first-ever gig was at our mate Jacky Bakers 21st, which was a HUGE moment for us, one that’s burnt in our minds forever. We felt as though that gig initiated KICKED-IN BICKIE TIN. (Check out “Shaggs Surprise 21st” on YouTube). 

  • Our original guitarist was a pure-born Italian who shared a name with the Super Mario character “Luigi.”


